
The Bridge Christian Fellowship is committed to the Great Commission, to “go and make disciples of all the nations” demonstrated by our strategic initiatives via finances, prayer, training, and mobilization.
We are committed to financially support foreign and domestic missions through designated offerings, and by way of “Grace Partnerships” whereby individuals can co-labor with servants-in-the-field via financial and relational support.
The Bridge offers consistent prayer opportunities to intercede on behalf of our missionaries and the people in the cities and nations who are in their sphere of influence.
Training is routinely scheduled to enhance the awareness of missions and prepare members for mission opportunities both home and abroad.  The Bridge mobilizes its members to carry out the Great Commission through short term missions in foreign fields.  The missions include evangelism, training, children ministry, benevolence programs, construction and medical relief.
Locally, The Bridge fully engages in Serve the City – a week long partnership with other Chesapeake churches and the city police department to meet the practical needs of the underprivileged and share the love of Christ.

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